About Me

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I am: daughter, sister, aunt, friend, eccentric, artist. I love creating. I do it for fun. I do it to relax. If I'm not busy with the "real" world, I do it. Nah, I do it even when I'm busy - sleep can wait! :D Take Care, Jannina

Monday, March 14, 2011

Six Ways You Can Help Earthquake and Tsunami Victims in Japan

I have a hard time knowing that something is going so wrong and not being able to be in the thick of the solution. I cannot be in Japan to help those who need it. I can however, make donations and spread the word. Take time out of your lives, read this article and visit the site. If you do not have money to give, do not worry over it. Take care of your family. What you can do is spread the word. That's free to do.

Six Ways You Can Help Earthquake and Tsunami Victims in Japan

Take Care,


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