About Me

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I am: daughter, sister, aunt, friend, eccentric, artist. I love creating. I do it for fun. I do it to relax. If I'm not busy with the "real" world, I do it. Nah, I do it even when I'm busy - sleep can wait! :D Take Care, Jannina

Friday, November 25, 2011

New Photo-Editing Program on the Web!

I know, I know. I'm sorry. Life has been so busy lately. Between school, work, friends and family, I'm barely getting any sleep. This is just a quick note to let you know of a program that I found.


It has a Photoshop/Gimp feel to it. You don't have to download it; you can use it on the web. Although I do miss the luxury of having my brushes on there, it is a really cool program. Especially if you are on the go and need to do a quick rendering for a job or to better explain what you mean in regards to design and colours.

Keep creating!


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